About the Money Mentor Program

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We developed the Money Mentor Program because we found that a lot of people were coming to us needing guidance and support to help them with day-to-day money decisions, and also their big money decisions in life.

So we’ve developed a highly personalized program that empowers our clients with education and ongoing support from a dedicated mentor, so that they can grow their confidence, their skills, and their knowledge, to make the right money decisions, not only day to day, but also long term for their future.

So, what are some of the things that we focus on in the program?
  • Helping to gain clarity on your financial goals and dreams. We feel this is important, because if you know where you want to go, it’s a lot easier to get you there.
  • Developing and implementing better money management habits that are going to serve you well today, and in the future.
  • Identify ways to help you save money, and keep more of your money, because this is a really important element of being financially free.
  • Proactively and strategically reduce debt.
  • Plan and invest for the future that you dream of.
  • We aim to help you feel empowered and confident to manage all your finances in a way that’s going to enhance your current life and enhance your future life.

Ultimately what you can expect by being part of the program is that you’re keeping more of your money, and that more of your money is working more effectively for you, so that you can have a better life now, and in the future.

If you would like your own personal money coach and money mentor, then please click here to find out more. We’d love to work with you!