Welcome to Rise High Investor Vlog Page

Your Money – February 2019 – Demystifying Mortgage Broker Commissions

Marissa appeared on Your Money to discuss mortgage broker commissions and what it will mean to consumers if the Royal Commissions proposed consumer pays model is introduced.

Rise High Investor Weekly Video #54 – Why I love offset accounts

I love offset accounts but avoid using redraw. Find out why in my latest weekly video. #risehighinvestor #weeklyvideo

Rise High Investor Weekly Video #53 – What records should you keep as an investor

Do you know what records you need to keep as an investor? Watch our latest weekly video to find out. #risehighinvestor #weeklyvideo

Rise High Investor Weekly Video #52 – What is depreciation and how does it work

What is Depreciation and how does it work? Watch our latest weekly video to find out. #risehighinvestor #weeklyvideo

Rise High Investor Weekly Video #51 – What is cost base and why is it important

Do you know what a cost base is and why it is important? Watch our latest weekly video to learn more. #risehighinvestor #weeklyvideo

Rise High Investor Weekly Video #50 – Cross Collateralisation

Do you know what Cross-collateralisation is and why you should avoid it? If not, watch our latest weekly video to find out. #risehighinvestor #weeklyvideo

Video:Your Money – January 2019 – Proven tips for achieving your financial goals in 2019

Marissa appeared on Your Money to discuss her tips for achieving your financial goals in 2019.

Rise High Investor Weekly Video #49 – Using your super to buy property

Do you know how to use Super to buy property? Watch our latest weekly video to find out more. #risehighinvestor #weeklyvideo

Rise High Investor Weekly Video #48 – The power of compounding

Do you know the power of compounding? Watch our latest weekly video to find out more. #risehighinvestor #weeklyvideo

Rise High Investor Weekly Video #47 – Succession Planning

Do you know who you are going to leave your assets to? Watch this weeks important video on succession planning to learn more. #risehighinvestor #weeklyvideo

Rise High Investor Weekly Video #46 – Should you invest in property overseas

Is investing in property overseas a good idea? To hear Marissa's thoughts watch our latest video. #risehighinvestor #weeklyvideo

Rise High Investor Weekly Video #45 – Positive gearing versus negative gearing

Do you know whether your investment property should be positively or negatively geared? Check out our latest weekly video to find out. #risehighinvestor #weeklyvideo