Rise High Investor Weekly Video #6 – Property v Shares

In this weeks video, Marissa discusses property versus shares as an investment strategy.

Why Property Investment Stands Out

Property investment has unique advantages that make it a compelling choice for building wealth. While every investment type has pros and cons, property offers stability, simplicity, and opportunities that many investors find appealing.

Stability Over Volatility

One of property’s most attractive features is its stability. Unlike shares, which can fluctuate dramatically overnight, property values tend to move more slowly and steadily. This slower pace means less day-to-day monitoring and less anxiety about sudden changes, making property a long-term, lower-risk option for many investors.

Low Maintenance

For those who prefer a more hands-off approach, property investment is ideal. A property manager can handle tenant issues, maintenance, and inspections, freeing investors to focus on other priorities. By contrast, successful share investing often requires staying informed about market trends, company performance, and industry news, which can be time-consuming.

Simplicity and Control

Property investment is easy to understand and implement. You’re in control of your asset, deciding how it’s managed, maintained, and developed. Whether it’s choosing tenants or making upgrades, the decisions are yours. With shares, control lies with company directors, whose decisions might not always align with your best interests.

Tax Benefits

Property investors can benefit from tax advantages like negative gearing. However, it’s important to invest in properties that make sense financially without relying on tax breaks, as these should only be viewed as a bonus.

The Power of Leverage

Leverage is one of property investment’s greatest strengths. Banks are typically more comfortable lending against property than other asset types, allowing investors to use a smaller portion of their own money to purchase a higher-value asset.

While property is a standout option for many, it’s essential to choose the investment vehicle that suits your goals and preferences. Whether you prefer the control and stability of property or the flexibility of shares, the key is to start investing and take control of your financial future. Ultimately, the best investment is the one that aligns with your needs and helps you achieve your goals.